Recruitment information
I'm looking for someone who loves fruits. We are looking forward to your entry using the form at the bottom of the recruitment guidelines.
Cafe staff (full-time)
Business content
hall staff Processed product manufacturing assistance Tourism support
Working hours holiday
8:00~17:00 Two-day weekend system
Qualification requirements
Under 40 years old Those with experience in the food and beverage industry People who like making snacks Those who can work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Able to communicate brightly and energetically
Consultation required
housing allowance family allowance Commuting allowance Company housing available Salary increase available (Twice a year with bonus)
Shop staff (full-time employees)
Business content
Fruit picking reception SNS update buyer business
Working hours holiday
8:00~17:00 Two-day weekend system
Qualification requirements
Under 40 years old Those who can work on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Able to communicate brightly and energetically
Consultation required
housing allowance family allowance Commuting allowance Company housing available Salary increase available (Twice a year with bonus)
Hirata Tourist Farm Limited Company
1740-3 Uedamachi, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture 728-0624
728-0624 1740-3 Uedamachi, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
©︎2023 Hirata Tourist Farm Ltd.