It starts with chopping wood healing bonfire People connecting over a bonfire
Even if it's just looking at the fire, a large group of people gather around the fire and talk. Experience an extraordinary experience in nature that you can't experience in the city.
Just looking at the fire is fun, A large group of people gather around a fire and talk. You can't taste it in the city Experience an extraordinary experience in nature.
The games we played when we were children, and the first time we allowed our children to play in the field. That's a bonfire. As time passes slowly, you can see things that you would not normally see. You are free to bring your own food, so we recommend roasting whatever you like or boiling coffee.
The games we played when we were children, and the first time we allowed our children to play in the field. That's a bonfire. In the slow flow of time, You can see things that you don't normally see. You can bring in whatever you like, so you can roast whatever you like. We also recommend boiling coffee.
[Reservation required] ①Private bonfire
Booth usage fee (1 booth) ¥1100
Included contents: Table and chair set (for up to 6 people)                                                                                                   〇
Option menu
2 long skewers
1 mestin
*Pot not included.
kettle pot
coffee set
*Pot, tri-pot, etc. It also comes with tools.
table cloth
Picnic sheet
Recommended items to bring
\It's delicious when you roast it and it's fun to eat/ marshmallow, roasted sweet potato, sausage \Tools that will make your bonfire a more enjoyable time/ cushions, throws, chairs
【Reception time】 Please come between 10:00 and 15:00. [Safe even on rainy days] Although it is outdoors, it is a covered facility, so don't worry. [In case of cancellation] Please be sure to contact us by phone by the morning of the day before your reservation.
Hirata Tourist Farm Limited Company
1740-3 Uedamachi, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture 728-0624
728-0624 1740-3 Uedamachi, Miyoshi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
©︎2023 Hirata Tourist Farm Ltd.